Job Posting Rules

Welcome to Work Whale, where we strive to connect talented individuals with exciting career opportunities. To maintain a fair and professional environment for both job seekers and employers, we have established clear guidelines for posting jobs on our platform. These rules ensure that all listings adhere to our standards of quality, legality, and relevance.

1. Accuracy and Completeness:
Job postings must accurately represent the job opportunity being offered. All details regarding job title, responsibilities, qualifications, and compensation must be provided in a clear and transparent manner.

2. Non-Discrimination:
Work Whale is committed to promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Job postings must not contain any discriminatory language or preferences based on race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, age, disability, or any other protected characteristic.

3. Legality:
Job postings must comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to labor laws, equal employment opportunity laws, and anti-discrimination laws. Any illegal or unethical job opportunities will be promptly removed from our platform.

4. No Fraudulent or Misleading Content:
Job postings must not contain any false, misleading, or deceptive information. This includes fraudulent job offers, pyramid schemes, multi-level marketing opportunities, or any other schemes intended to deceive job seekers.

5. Respect for Intellectual Property:
Job postings must respect intellectual property rights, including copyrights and trademarks. Employers must have the necessary rights and permissions to use any copyrighted material in their job postings.

6. Relevance:
Job postings must be relevant to our audience and aligned with the categories and industries supported by Work Whale. Irrelevant or spammy job listings will be removed at our discretion.

7. Professionalism:
Job postings must maintain a professional tone and avoid offensive, vulgar, or inappropriate language. Employers are expected to conduct themselves professionally throughout the hiring process.

8. Compliance with Terms of Service:
All job postings must adhere to our Terms of Service. Failure to comply with these rules may result in the removal of the job listing and potential suspension of the employer’s account.

By posting a job on Work Whale, employers agree to abide by these rules and accept responsibility for the accuracy and legality of their job listings. We reserve the right to remove any job posting that violates these rules or our Terms of Service without prior notice.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our job posting rules, please contact our support team for assistance. Thank you for choosing Work Whale as your trusted platform for recruitment and job search.